워드프레스의 젯팩 플러그인이 어느새 10.0 버전까지 업데이트가 되었습니다.
버전의 앞 자리 숫자가 바뀐 만큼 많은 변경 사항이 있습니다.
젯팩 플러그인의 10.0 버전의 변경 사항을 알아보겠습니다.
젯팩 플러그인 10.1 업데이트 내용
개선 사항
Carousel: add JS-based smooth scroll behavior for the footer buttons.
Carousel: on image zoom, fade out controls. Fade them back in when sized back to original, or the slide is advanced.
호환성 개선
Carousel: add a Swiper JS param to prevent interaction on the carousel while transitioning between slides.
Map Block: ensure theme styles do not override map button background colors.
Search: remove required attribute from search inputs.
버그 수정
Carousel: fix carousel title formatting to prevent issues with quote conversion.
Comments: fix subsequent commenting when using a social profile.
Contact Form Block: remove specific form colors to prevent theme style clash.
Instant Search: fix visual glitch on breadcrumb in Firefox.
Instant Search: make sure ?s= is set when using filter links.
Like Button: add title and aria-hidden attributes to the Like button iframe.
OpenTable Block: fix input width when used in block editor.
Publicize: avoid PHP notices in edge-cases where no info about a post can be found.
Search: fix notice issue with WP 5.8's widget editor.
Select Dropdown Component: add content-box box sizing to prevent global box-sizing conflict.
SEO Tools: ensure functions are loaded before API endpoint attempts to use them.
Tiled Gallery: fix blurry display of images much wider than they are high.
기타 사항
Add admin / frontend CSS files to the build watcher.
Add event tracking for the Dashboard Quick Switcher.
Add field for Zendesk meta in /sites/id for Jetpack sites.
Add jetpack_connection_active_plugins option in JSON API site endpoint response options.
Add tracks event when the Stats page upgrade nudges are displayed.
Add upgrade nudges to the Site Stats page.
Admin menu: move site editor menu item and add beta badge.
Comments: refactor jQuery usage.
Development: soft-fail if Jetpack is not built.
Dev Tools: add list items to the Dev Tools card for new Backup and Security products.
E2E tests: add listeners for page errors and request failed.
E2E tests: require local node to match one defined in package.json file.
Fail build if the php:module-headings step fails.
Heartbeat: calculate media library size.
Init 10.0 release cycle.
Modules: include all module info in the module-headings.php file during the build step.
Move connection/data endpoint to Connection package.
Move site disconnection endpoint to Connection package.
My Plan: recognize and display new Backup, Security plans.
Nav Unification: ensure on pageload that the active menu item is keyboard focused in nav unification so its consistent with Calypso.
Nav Unification: fix the condition that disables Nav-unification when SSO is disabled and the admin-menu class is overridden in jetpack_admin_menu_class filter.
Plans: add slugs for new real-time Backup and Security offerings.
Search: add footer for search dashboard.
Search: add instant search upsell nudge for Business plan.
Search: add mocked legacy search interface for admin page.
Search: add scaffolding for Gutenberg-enabled Customizer (Customberg).
Search: add search setting dashboard with toggle controls.
Search: add widgets editor and search customizer buttons for search admin page.
Support coming soon v2 sites with the coming soon badge in the admin menu.
Update contributor list.
Update package dependencies.
WoA: add security nav item to the Atomic admin menu only if the site has the security-settings feature.
WoA: fix My Sites navigation in WP-Admin for Atomic sites with SSO disabled (and nav-unification disabled).
WoA: force Calypso interfaces for Atomic sites that have Jetpack SSO disabled.
버전의 앞자리 숫자가 바뀌는 큰 업데이트라 젯팩 플러그인에 새로운 기능이 추가되지 않을까 하는 예상을 해보았습니다만 의외로 업데이트 내용은 상당히 길게 안내가 되고 있습니다만 큰 기능 추가는 없습니다.
Carousel에 대한 개선만 조금 이루어 진듯 하고 나머지것들은 버그 수정에 초점이 맞추어져 있습니다.
일단 앞 숫자가 바뀐 만큼 급한 경우가 아니라면 혹시라도 모를 10.0 업데이트를 위한 또 다른 업데이트를 기다려 보는 것도 좋지 않을까 합니다.
일주일 정도 기다려 보고 젯팩 플러그인의 10.0 업데이트를 적용해 보는 것도 좋은 방법이 되지 않을까 합니다.
젯팩 플러그인 웹사이트 : https://ko.jetpack.com/